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"And the beignets are only part of the surprise"
"Really?" The tiht of his sth of his spine God, he was trulylanced over his shoulder, gave her a heavy-lidded, highly sexual grin
"All day, every day, Miss Burel" Heat rushed through her "Tell me"
"I took care of our little probleled with the heat inside her and she came up on her knees
"What do you mean?"
He stood, lifted an eyebrow "Isi is in the Wildlands"
Genevieve&039;s lips parted, but nothing cah the sun was shining outside the glass doors, the rooray cast, and inside Genevieve&039;s brain, electric shocks of fear and warning detonated
No He couldn&039;t have she couldn&039;t have
"I took her there loriously naked before her "It&039;s done, ma cherie Our mission is complete, and we can stay here all-"
"No!" The word came out harsh and fearful, and Genevieve wasted no tiod" What ti did we sleep?
"Genevieve? What the hell&039;s wrong?" Everything God, how could she be so stupid? So careless? How could she have allowed herself to forget the point of this trip in a one-night-of-less-fun sinkhole? Shit, the one road to her future
What the hell tiain, this tirabbing clothes out of her bag and throwing them on
"What&039;s over?" His voice was loary
"My career My shot" Finding a way to fix the broken ic in my fa about?
Raphael&039;s thrilled"
She hastily toed on her shoes and zipped up her bag "I have to go Right now I have to go" I have to see if I can repair this daht this would please you I thought" He ran a hand through his hair "I&039;ll call for the car"
"Don&039;t worry I&039;ll take a cab I can get back on ain She&039;d swear it to them
"Okay, this is bullshit" Jean-Baptiste was at her side in a second, naked and tense, grabbing her by the arms "Look at me"
She stilled She didn&039;t want to God, she didn&039;t want to When she looked at hi,
wonderful, perfect, future-killing, things
But her eyes slid up anyway And as she aze, saw the confusion and the heat and his desperate need to understand her, her heart squeezed And herIsi in yourself?" he asked "Wanting to i?"
"Then what?"
She shook her head, bit her lip
"You need to talk to et to hold o"
"You want od
"You want me, Miss Burel Say it"
"Of course I want you!"
"Then stop this This ranting This fear" He released her shoulders and took her face in his hands "I&039;m here with you, Genny Don&039;t you understand that? You kno I feel, what I want
-what I&039; My life is yours now It&039;s insane and too fast, but it&039;s right We both feel it All I want to do is be with you, care for you, protect you" His eyes searched her "Whatever the problem is, I can fix it Just tell ht
"Yes," he assured her "It&039;s what males do for their females"
Never in her life had someone looked at her this way Wanted her this way
Utterly and unabashedly And yet, she couldn&039;t embrace him She&039;d chosen her path, o back on that Not unless you wished to incur their wrath
Her family needed her now And as she&039;d found out with her parents, running off, giving in to selfish choices, wasn&039;t going to solve the proble her farowl "I&039;ve claio, for fuck&039;s sake And if we&039;d been inside the Wildlands, if I&039;d had access to asped then, her eyes going wide
All that he&039;d said when she was in his ar out his name, came back in a rush Yes, he&039;d offered for her and she&039;d allowed her mind to dismiss it Pretend it never happened so she could enjoy the little bit of heaven she&039;d wanted so desperately
But now, looking up into his fierce, darkly handsoer disly truth
"No one can clairet it was palpable "I&039;m not a Suit Not anymore I work for the elders I can never be this ith you again And I can never be your mate"