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The Legend of Opela and Shakpi
Deep beneath the bayou, Shakpi stirred in the darkness of her prison For centuries she&039;d been trapped beneath the choking layers of ift to her beloved Pantera
Ancient fury surged through her, sending out shockwaves that shook the land above her It was all the fault of those da, it was just her and Opela Twin sisters born of ether, never needing anyone else
Then Opela became obsessed with her desire for children She&039;d claimed that there was no point of existence if she couldn&039;t possess creatures to love
Without thought for anyone but herself, Opela created a new race, the Pantera, to call her children
Shakpi had done everything in her power to stop her sister They&039;d had each other Why did they need anyone else? But Opela had refused to listen to her pleas, instead lavishing her love and devotion on her Pantera
Consumed with envy, Shakpi had plotted to kill the freaks of nature
Mortal creatures weren&039;t iven the ability to shift into puma form They were an abomination that had to be destroyed
She&039;d been confident that her sister would understand her desire to return to the life they&039;d had before A tiether
Born to destroy, Shakpi was unable to create her own children to act as instrue Instead she infected hu theic that gave the Pantera their power
How could she possibly have
suspected her sister would make the ultimate sacrifice? That Opela would use her life-force to entrap Shakpi in this tomb to save her children?
But the bitch had underesti locked in stasis, her tentacles were at last reaching beyond her prison, touching the weak, the desperate, and the greedy
Her infection was spreading and this ti her enemies