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Firelight Kristen Callihan 39850K 2023-09-02

Winston nodded "Shortly after one o’clock this afternoon, Sir Percival Andrew, fifth baronet of Doddington, was found murdered in his bed chamber"

Miranda blinked in surprise as the words fell over the room

"I am sorry for it," Archer said in a quiet voice

"Then you ad Sir Percival"

"Of course I have known hih I haven’t seen him in some years"

At that, Winston pulled a small notebook from his pocket to consult it Miranda knew from Poppy that he did this for show Winston ht years, correct?"

"Correct, inspector" Dry amuseranddaughter’s fiancé, one Lord Jonathan Marvel, to hospital after an altercation with him A fact I am sure you have committed to memory as well"

Winston snapped his notebook closed

"It is quite a juicy tidbit of gossip that fails to die," Archer said

"It is said that as a result of that altercation, Lord Marvel broke off his engage much stress and heartache between the two faements often cause familial strife"

"I believe Sir Percival and quite a few others held you accountable for the mishap"

"As do I"

"Your relations with Sir Percival were not in good standing when last you ood standing Sir Percival and I were of like mind in the matter"

"Which was?"

"Lord Marvel is, and was, a spoiled snot, and I have a foul temper"

Winston’s lips curled but his eyes remained shrewd "Yes, there is ical fellow ht deduce that a man in possession of a volatile temper would lash out when offended, not wait in cool coht years later"

"I should like to think ical fellow," said Winston

"Which o on thenof the house servants, soht Mr Ja in his room next to Sir Percival’s He swears that he heard his master call out the name ‘Archer’ as if surprised A moment later, Sir Percival ate" Winston kept his eyes on Archer "Sir Percival had been sliced across the neck and then eviscerated"

From behind the safety of her screen, Miranda clutched her knees as bile rose in her throat She did not want it to be him She liked Archer, al to anyone

"Is that all that was done to him?" Archer’s quiet query shocked Miranda back to sensibility

Winston raised a blond brow "An odd question, my lord Do you assume there were more insults done upon his body?"

"You are here because I am suspect If I am to be accused, I will know the whole of it, Inspector Noas done to hied out and rate, and Miranda jumped Dear God, was she otten her first glimpse of hope She did not want to recede back into a world where shaers curled round the back of a chair "I aain, softer this ti stirred within her, a churning that caed a soul down

"A scullerya h the stable yard ainst her chest as if the action would still her pounding heart For ato Winston He would take her fro an annulht filled her with a wild sense of freedoet away

Yet she stayed in place Her heart would not let her move It could not be Archer Not the ht He had shown her respect and caring, been protective of her feelings But what did she really know of hi her running thoughts

"It appears that way, round One did not question a peer, yet here he was One certainly did not accuse a peer of murder Miranda could almost feel Winston’s tension He would not ask Archer for an alibi But he desperately wanted to hear one The churning in Miranda’s belly grew

"Inspector Lane, you may questionmy bride her new home, I disappeared from the hours of twelve o’clock noon to shortly before nine in the evening There will be no one but myself to account for my whereabouts"

Miranda’s head fell forward She had hoped for Archer’s reassurance But the man wouldn’t even proclaiers twitched, digging into the silk weave of her gown She should go It was madness to stay Perhaps he would ht Why then could she nota fool

"That is most unfortunate, my lord"


"Yet you can account for your whereabouts" Winston was careful not to phrase it as a question

"Of course But I will not Only that I was alone I am often alone"

Stubborn man! Her nails sank into the flesh of her knees

"Do you have a theory as to who , enerally are cowards," Winston said "I have one more question, my lord"

"Only one? I cannot believe that Surely you have dozens to pepper uponed in Bedlam

"Questions tend to build upon the fro hiht