Page 13 (1/2)

"Ever heard of a Neph called Anna? Daughter of Belial?"

"Huh?" he asks "He’s Substance Abuse, right? I don’t think he has any kids"

"Yeah," I say "Neither did I"

"What’s going on, brah?"

I shakeTake care, mate"

I know I roused his curiosity, but it can’t be helped I have trust in Blake, a rarity a our kind, but I can’t say too much over the telephone

The first knock comes from upstairs My bandmates are spot on for our practice time I hear the door open, and voices spill down the halls and stairs Feet troo Ready to clearand s of perfumes and hairspray Raj and I bu on the keyboard There’s enough hair product between Michael, Raj, and Bennett to keep the gel companies in business forever

I sos, but in my base It’s a relief to put theet started

We rock out for nearly two hours I a I need to top off this feeling is a bit of soft skin against mine I lock eyes with a redhead in a o We haven’t had sex yet, though, and I plan to reoes her aura, as red as ives irls can do She co ive me the time of day now?" She tries for nonchalance in her voice, but her colors are screa like a fireworks display

"What are you on about, babe? I haven’t seen you in ages"

"I’ve been at, like, a ton of gigs since that night"

I widen my eyes as if surprised, and lazily push the curls off her shoulders with the back ofher bare skin "You should have coe"

"See ya, Kai," Raj calls I raise irls One chick stays behind, the redhead’s friend She sits in an oversized chair, texting

"They wouldn’t let e! I tried and tried to catch your eye And I’ve called you"

"Ah, my stupid phone," I say I widenher closer But before we get started, I scan the property withThe voices I catch in a car outside ht be better if I talk to him alone"