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I quickly undressed and was even faster in putting Mirabai’s robe on Needless to say, I did not like getting naked in Sarad Nukpana’s bedroo the sash when the door opened and a parade of robed and hooded servants quickly cae copper tub with stea water
"Would you like soone "It’s jasmine"
"I’d love some, thank you Maybe I can rip on own and the oil, I would have lived fast, died young, and left behind a fine-looking and even better-sain and Sandrina swept in, followed by as quite sioblin I had ever seen inKhrynsani armor, but it clearly had been extended to its li lurunted There had to have been soligent wave and the ward around e in the air that made the hairs on the back of oblin came toward me and I swear the stone slabs beneath ht idea He extended one er hand, wrapped his fingers almost entirely around my waist and simply lifted me off the floor, carriedone hand tight around my waist, he bent, and I felt cold iron around one ankle, followed by the sound of a click of a lock I looked down One manacle was aroundtub The ogre-goblin looked at the runted once, and went back to stand behind Sandrina
Understand that o very ith one of ainst a uard would’ve taken stupid to a ridiculous level, and possibly gotten me bedecked with even more chains
I cleared my throat of the lu guy"
Sandrina gathered her skirts and swished her way to the door "I will see you at the altar this evening" She opened the door and paused, sive us athe door behind theers in the bathwater and treated myself to a small smile I hatchedin a hot bath
Meirl a better outlook on just about anything--and helped inspire a possible way to ruin Sarad Nukpana’s evening without ending my own life
The definition of brilliant didn’t contain the word complicated The simpler an idea was, the better the odds for success Best of all, ic was not involved, just er to the heart tonight, I was going to do my damnedest to scuttle an evil master plan or two before I went
As much as I would have loved to have Mychael and es and soldiers--there with me, there was a very real possibility that this would bethat I hadn’t exactly been flush with tiic, it’d just be me, with possibly soic, I would have tothe past few days--okay, to be honest, the past three et the job done
But before I could scuttle anyone’s plans, Sandrina ca I assu I had understeely or pointy to use to stab or escape By the tioons caowned, and deter from the fanciness of their robes and ares and at least two dozen officers of the te up
There was no way all of this attention was for ically cutting loose in his temple, or because he wanted to put on a show for his own people Myfast and looking far too nervous for there not to be so in the tery, roups hell-bent on destruction
I couldn’t think of any other reason behind e escort If my friends attempted to rescue me, Sarad Nukpana wanted to be certain that it was only that--an attempt
Imala had told me that there were miles and miles of corridors in the Khrynsani temple And those were only the ones in use now; there were centuries of passages that ran below and even parallel to those Corridors and roohly initiated knew existed In their respective positions as chief e and director of the secret service, Tam and Ihest ranked Khrynsani priest
Mychael and my friends hadn’t been captured, and that had Sarad Nukpana worried