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"Got what?"
I scurried over to hier"
"What freaking dagger?"
"The freaking dagger"
"Oh" Kesyn’s eyes widened as realization sunk in "Oh Well, shit"
"Mychael’s the only one left free to destroy the Saghred," I said in a strangled whisper "Now he can’t"
And I’d asked hiive it to me, insisted actually Because I wanted to be useful; I wanted to freeof that I viciously kicked at whatever the damned floor was ht now Mychael hadn’t just gotten himself captured by Sarad Nukpana--at least I hoped not I had Here I stood, caught, caged, and probably about to have , but it wasn’t small, either And without it, our mission was history--and so e
Kesyn leaned over to whisper in my ear "Certain ladies in our secret service have often ood use of a hidden pocket in the front of their arers over his heart and grinned
I looked down to where that would be on ht over my left breast
I just looked at him "And you know this how?"
Kesyn winked at er days"
I fumbled around in the inside of the quilted leather doublet where Kesyn had indicated, and sure enough, there it was Hopefully, no lady agents had ever let Sarad Nukpana go exploring in their chest arer in with even a little rooes our plan," I muttered bitterly
"Considerably However, the best plans can be executedbesides ‘executed’? It’s not oal reed Stay flexible, play it by ear, and when you see a chance, jump on it"
"You mean if I see a chance"
"I always say what Iclose like you’re supposed to, you’ll see it At least one chance is always there"
I’d rather juhred with the Scythe of Nen Preferably both Now it didn’t look like I’d get a chance to do either
"Are you armed?" I asked hi in the diht; an old man with a secret "Don’t worry about ht Sarad Nukpana a lot of what he knows" Kesyn’s srin "However, I didn’t teach hiic doesn’t work down here" I almost added "either," but sed the word in time
Kesyn’s eyes narrowed "You’re awfully iirl"
"Not iic is the best riet that through your pretty little head right now You don’t have time to worry about what you don’t have; concentrate on what you do have What if Sarad was just a ot in my face "Let’s hear it! What would you do?"
"Kick his ass to the Lower Hells," I snarled back I blinked I hadn’t hesitated Just a good old-fashioned ass kicking, ending in death, of course His "Like that’s going to happen"
Kesyn didn’t back down "Why not?"
"Because he--"
"Has h "Froo, daic than you You ever let that stop you before?"
I stopped in sudden realization I hadn’t I’d snuck et, then conned and/or fought my way out As a seeker, I found people and saved lives Sure, I’d used ic to locate the everything else with…