Page 7 (1/2)

I dived to the right, toward the cave wall There was no roo dark I drew one dagger in case so death up close and personal, but I kept it by my side It’d suck to stab one of my own team; well, except for Carnades

Mychael and Tam were out front I couldn’t see theic to shield Chigaru, who had none Carnades had probably crawled into a crack in the ith his hands over his head Either that or a Khrynsani had tacked his was abruptly replaced by steel-on-steel co to kill us in the dark Mychael’s shout of a tord spell killed their happy real quick

Light, blazing like the sun at high noon, lit the cave Happy turned to pained shouts and hisses Taaru didn’t like it, but each had shielded their eyes with one hand and kept weaponsabout survival instinct--when your body realizes it’s in deep and stinky stuff, your eyes find a way to see just a little better than they ordinarily could; your hearing is just a little sharper; your reflexes faster

I didn’t see the Khrynsani’s lunge at my left side; I felt the air displaced by his er across the back of his wrist With a pained hiss, the goblin jerked his sword back only to instantly close distance with his dagger, giving rin right before he stepped in for what he thought was the kill The Khrynsani froze for a fraction of a second, but it was long enough for me to bury my blade between his ribs

The last expression on his face wasn’t just terror; it was recognition The goblin saw me and kneho I was, and for those two blinks, he’d been scared pissless The way , it was nice to be appreciated, even if it was for a power I didn’t have anyht nohen I could really use it

Two Khrynsani were ht didn’t stop their forward momentum I couldn’t throw a knife that far, and even if I could, I’d probably just hit them in the head with the pommel

Rocks were much easier

We were in a cave, so rocks were plentiful No one was charging me, so I scooped up a fist-sized rock, and chucked it hard at the head of the Khrynsani closest to Tam It took him in the temple, and he went down like the rock that’d hit him

Unfortunately, some of the Khrynsani had been a little faster than their brothers in adjusting to the light, and I becanizedfro incantations, Sarad Nukpana had told theuest of honor Flattered, I did not feel

All the rocks in that cave weren’t going to save my bacon

But a volley of bolts to the Khrynsani’s backs did

I didn’t kno many Khrynsani were in that cave, but the newcoet bolt in each and every one

They were hooded and cloaked, but I caught a gliray skin Goblins The Khrynsani were dead, but the newcomers had reloaded and held their crossbows at the ready

At us

One goblin stepped out in front of the others Tall and rangy froht at Ta arm," he said

I flexed my hand around the rock I still held "I stay in practice You never knoho you’re going to meet" I tossed a rock casually in one hand, and spoke without taking oblin "Tam, he seems to know you Who have we justthe robed figure