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Page 14 (1/2)

"What would you have predicted?"

"A Speedo?"

"Well," I say, "the one tihts a sh roller I’ to law school"

I watch her fight a groan "Of course you are"

"I ht, but it’s a start"

Fuck That was sort of dickish

I can tell how hard it is for Sunshine London to be outright dises a tiny little fuck you s a few cups of salsa andher way over to the exit She pushes the door open with her ass, and places the salsa on a table just outside The words Worthy Opponent flash in my head before she turns and comes back inside to wait for her food

When she looks up at me, her full mouth curls in a sth of her: forever-long legs in her tiny shorts, breasts soles of her bikini top My attention returns to her face and I catch a gliuarded expression--so--before she slips her defense back into place

Her number is called and she picks up an enor it up to her nose, she inhales deeply "I come here for the carne asada fries" With another little smile, she says, "See you later!" and heads back out to her table

This girl, I swear

I hadn’t planned on taking o, and with only four tiny tables it’s a little aard to sit in the saether My nurab my plate and follow her outside

"Incidentally," I tell her, "I come here for the soyriza nachos"

London looks up as I set et it This is a little weird, and as ht was a one-tiy nachos in my car out of a Styrofoa," I say

She laughs, waving her hands palms down over the table "No No Nope We don’t have dinner together"

I slow myas ‘can’t have dinner together’? Because I ht have missed that in the rulebook"

Her blue eyes narrow playfully as she watches me unroll my fork and knife fro with you"

"Technically, we didn’t sleep Reh?" I ask, pulling a large tortilla chip free of the pile "That was pretty awesoer at me "We did have sex on your couch, but--"

"And the floor"

"And the floor," she concedes with an eye roll "But would--"

"And then back on the couch again"

She sighs, eyebrows raised as if she’s ive her a tiny nod

"Wouldn’t it just be a lot easier if we avoided each other from here on out?" she asks

I nod as I s, unfa end of this particular conversation "Probably"