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"What can I get you?" I ask "Another beer?"
"Sure," he says "And your na you Dimples for the rest of our lives"
Luke’s eyes widen playfully as he whispers a deliberate "Oops" at this, and produces a dollar bill froht," he says, watching lass "Just in case you orking again"
I try not to linger on the thought that he specifically brought a pocketful of singles with hiame
"It’s Lon--" I start to say, just as the bar door opens and Mia walks in with Ansel behind her Luke’s head turns toward them just as I finish with a mumbled "--don"
After a beat, he looks back up at ht He nods quickly "Nice to officially etit, I’ it
Another custoet my attention I slide Luke’s beer over to hie of his hand "That’s five dollars"
Blinking at me slowly, he says, "Thanks," and pulls out his wallet
I move to help the new customer, but out of the corner of my eye, I see Luke slap a bill down on the bar and return to his friends without waiting for change Either he didn’t leave a tip, or he left a big one
Unfortunately for uess which
Thiskey sours, four Blue Moons, and a pitcher of ister Mia, Ansel, and Harlow are standing nearby, waiting for Finn before they all head out to a ling for what feels like an eternity over my relationship ambivalence On the one hand, I see the people around me so happy--some of them even married--and I want that On the other hand, I know I’m not ready
It’s been just over a year since Justin and I ended things, and I still remember what it’s like to be paired off like that, where all plans have to be created with another person in roup of friends like this I’ hout, it’s nice not to have to do anything I surf, I work, I go hoood for me as a person, rather than one-half of a couple
Still, there are tiht where I realize it can be lonely, actually, and it’s not just about sex but about co someone who looks atsomeone there to distract me with movies or conversation or a wars as I push the cash drawer closed and hand a guy his change I lift hter, and a near the bathrooh there are several schools within the university, it doesn’t surprise h a little inside because I will constantly feel like there are somap of Lola’s friends
I knew Harlow had faether that her mother was my mom’s favorite actress when I was little
I knew Mia used to dance, but only recently learned that her trajectory was ruined when she was hit by a truck
I knew Finn was close to his father and two brothers, but didn’t know until I putfor Mother’s Day that his mom died when he was a kid
My name is called from down the bar, and I blink back into focus I run a tray of drinks out to a table and Harlow grabs
"Hey, stranger," she says, her eyesover my face before she reaches for a strand of es since I’ve seen you Think you could put some sunblock on and leave some cute for the rest of us? Jesus, you look like an ad for the Sports Illustrated Swiirl Fuck you and your adorable freckles"