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Noas my turn to close my eyes

"I didn’t tell the FBI I didn’t tell Ivy" I forced my lids open "Did anyone else know? Any other students?"

Henry didn’t want to answer I waited And eventually, he spoke a single word around the tubing in hisit out "No"

No, he hadn’t told anyone

No, I couldn’t ave h "You know, and I know, but e know doesn’t leave this rooive your statery and powerless and alone, and Senza Nome had found him They’d told hi this for you," I told Henry "I’ it for Asher and for Vivvie and Emilia and everyone at that school ill never be the sa it for your ive him But he was Henry And for the briefest of moments, he’d been mine

"I’ this," I said, "for a boy I used to know"

A boy who’d been lied to A boy who’d lost too much A boy who had wanted justice A boy who’d believed he was protecting the people he loved

"This secret stays with us," I said, trailing ers over his jaw one last time "But, Henry? You and I are done"


Of all the things I expected to see when I exited Henry’s hospital rooia Nolan was talking quietly to Ivy until she sawback as I approached

"You okay?" Ivy asked

I nodded I wanted to mean it