Page 35 (1/2)

With a blur of motion, Veronica rushed me As my wolf, I could track her a little better, but still not one hundred percent She looked as though she wastoward me while a spray of dust particles whipped up in her wake Kicking her leg out, she landed a blow to my side, and I flew across the cave where I bounced like a stuffed anier allowed ot to her feet, lip curling over sharp canines, and charged I slaether we fell to the dirt floor I snapped toward her neck, looking for , but Veronica’s hands blocked her throat My teeth buried in her palh her lips and she flungonWith vampires, I had to be fast Taren moved toward me, but Veronica held out her arm toward him

"This bitch is mine," she snarled

If I could s, I thought My eyes flicked to Taren to make sure he listened to Veronica He stood off to the side, his body as ridged as the stone surrounding us I was confident I could kill both of theether … well, let’s just say I was happy Veronica’s pride got in the way

She circled aroundmy eyes from hers I noticed in the darkness of the cave, they reflected like an aniet the upper hand if she healed this quickly from every injury I inflicted My next blow needed to count Power unlike anything I had ever felt before brushed over ainstintensified and left ust, fear, and even excitement They all flooded me until I felt like my skin would rip from my bones Footsteps sounded behind me, and I threw a quick look overcloser Whatever he saw in my face caused him to stop His eyes widened, and he held up his hands in surrender, inching further into the shadows

"Veronica," he said in a cal not to scare a wild aniaze back to Veronica and tilted my head to the side The same shocked expression showed on her face in the forhts that weren’t ainst me? I am the ruler of tooth and claill shred your flesh from your bones and lap your blood in victory

Whoa Where the hell had that cohts momentarily dazed ed toward ned left, and when her arms reached in that direction, I whirled around and sunk my teeth into her forearm Her screams reverberated off the cavern walls, , her ar it to the floor She collapsed to her knees, her ar shoulder My wolf sauntered toward her, enraged and drunk on the power coursing through our veins The closer I got, Veronica tried to use her good ar the at her feeble attempts

You thought you could overpower er and e parasite

With the speed of the wind,body With one arht of ht before she let her arular With a jerk of my head, Veronica’s screaan scanning the cave for Taren Soone He had left Veronica behind, knowing if he didn’t, he would pay with his life, too

Smart, for a bloodsucker, the voice said

Who … are you? I thought and then i a conversation with myself Adam had told me that my wolf and I were not two separate entities after all He told me that ere one, and I just hadn’t connected withwith it now? Was this how all olves felt while they unleashed their beasts?

I am she I am you, the beast replied You and I have been destined since the day of your birth You are destined for greatness--for power yet to be seen--as the ruler of tooth and claw, a Leader to rule the your wolf, dear Anna

Wha--I don’t understand, I sent the thought to the voice, still feeling slightly crazy for having a conversation with myself I don’t want to rule thehback The power rushing over ed

I knelt on all fours, hanging ernails into the dirt, I closedfelt different, but I couldn’t identify what it was I wasn’t even sure how I felt about it Should I be frightened, excited? Indecision caused my mind to blank as the last effects of s, naked and sweaty My eyes flicked to Veronica’s dead body Flaps of bloody skin hung from the hole where my wolf had ripped out her throat My hand went to ry sea I lurched forward and coveredat Veronica, I noticed the thick pool of blood soaking into the ground beneath her, and that’s when I lost it I turned, bending over and vo sick, a strange calain and wiped the spittle from my mouth No emotions occurred when I looked at her My chest rose and fell heavily as a warh my chest and settled in the spot over my heart The oddest sense filled me I wasn’t sure, but it felt like entitlement and pride Slowly, a smile crept onto my lips, and I headed toward thedirt drive that led toaway the heat from my skin I raised my head and closed my eyes as the sun warmed my face Birds chirped in the nearby trees and the scent of wild berries and honeysuckle filled my nostrils I was blissfully happy, fulfilled
