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United as One Pittacus Lore 11230K 2023-09-01

"Letsweat off his forehead "All power to shields!"

Our warship’s siren stops blaring

The guns stop firing

And we start to fall out of the sky

"Tell me you didn’t just shut off another ship!" Lexa cries

"Uh, I--," Sam starts to respond

"All power to shields," Rex repeats, then louder, like we’re doomed "All power to shields means we can’t fly!"

"I can fix it," Saines," Adam says with forced calm "Start there, Sam"

"Power to the engines!" Saes Sa or Sa his console furiously

We’re falling

My feet actually lift off the floor of the bridge Marina grabs on to acy, his feet never leave the floor I keep the stor, even as we start to nose-dive towards the Anubis

"Coines on! Giveout the hat I’ "It’s okay We’re okay"

A streak of vivid red energy shears towards us from the Anubis’s main cannon Our shields flare to life, and this tih Thein front of ins to crack

"Shields held!" Rex reports "Barely"

"I think you saved our asses, Sammy," Nine says "For a few , you fools," adds Five

"Good," says Ada to ra them down"