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United as One Pittacus Lore 12210K 2023-09-01

Our eyes are locked The roo us on the security ca contest

Why did you tell ht you should know Because I knew you’d ask to try copying my power, the clairvoyance, and I don’t think you should

"Okay, Ella; please, just get out of my head"

Ella narrows her eyes at me

"You were inour voices "You initiated that"

"I did?"

Ella nods and walks over to theShe hugs herself and gazes out at the tranquil lake

"I’m not surprised you’d pick up the telepathy," she says "I’ve used it on you enough ti;ra telepathically, it’s not such a dramatic leap to a person"

I clear my throat and try to put aside the conversation we just had "Any tips?"

"Ai at et"

"What about when I can’t see the person or we’re separated by a long distance? How do you do that?"

"Did you ever" Ella pauses, struggling to put her thoughts into words "Say you’re in a house and you know someone’s in another room You kind of know, instinctually, how loud you need to yell to uess"

"Think of it like that," Ella says "The better you know the person, the e with theure it out with practice So At least to ot what I wanted and ained for I pick the atlas up from the table and tuck it underit doesn’t sound too cold, not sure if I could lance out theThe sun is starting to get low in the sky, the light turning a acies do I still need?

Five’s Externa and Adaht’s teleportation would be incredible If I had the time, maybe I could meditate on when I used the Loralite stones before, try to relate