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I slide the curtain and the ed and it distorts her than the other Creating an external ie of what I a off and slip on a fresh pair of jeans When I open the door to the bathroom, the cooler air nips at h narrow table in the kitchen area of the front room His eyes switch from the television on the wall to rown-in thin beard is the saht last year and surpassed him in what he can bench-press the year before When we’re standing side by side, people can spot the minute e resemble the other, but I knohat Dad sees when he looks atto the weather He also reminds those of us who don’t live under a rock that tomorrow is our first day of school In slow motion, I turn my head to Dad’s bedrooht
The woht her leaving before sunrise would heal the oozing wound insidepoint I broke earlier thisin denial
"We need to talk," Dad says
I agree We do About Mo to discuss anything associated with Moht" Dad focuses on the coffee cup next to his hand "Later"
I head for my room, and when I reach the door, Dad stops me "Razor"
I pause, but I don’t respond I’ this and Dad knows better than to pushto hash this out--me and you"
He’s aware of ht with Breanna Miller, I’ myself
"The club needs you to be reachable," he continues "When all the board’s back in town, you need to be there at ato want to hear what the cop had to say Plus the Riot’s getting too close to town and Eranddaughter of the two irlfriend of one of o, blood was shed over Emily between our club and the Riot All of us wonder if blood will be shed again
"You see the Riot," Dad says, "you call the club Only the board is allowed to engage"
I enter my room and Dad raises his voice so I can hear past e"
I lie on e of iness inside e of colliding ar that can release the pressure is a good fight
Bring it, Riot Show e Mom and Dad had taken of the kitchen when they ht yellow, open, and there were vases of flowers scattered everywhere Twenty-six years of wear and tear later and three meals’ worth of dishes stacked up from nine people and you’d have today’s version of the salued to her cell while I prerinse dishes, then load theest siblings chase each other around the island
It’s after eight One of therade Because eleo, you’d expect at sos would tire and pass out, but I’y, they suck me dry of mine
Elsie shrieks when Zac hits her and he hohen Elsie bites hiroan, I pick up the holy terror closer to me and sit Elsie on the island, then pull over a chair with my foot and deposit Zac into that "Neither of you move for tworoo me "mean" I should pursue theh to discipline the children Ever
Addison surveys the swinging door through which they disappeared like she’s solving a e families completely differently on TV"
I snort "And hoould that be? Sane?"
A laugh confirht "There’s a hundred of those reality shohere they have five million children and they all seem happy 24/7 If they can be close and lovey-dovey, why can’t you?"
"You should try sleeping instead of watching television late at night It could help with your overactive and wild i door opens and Zac aims a water rifle at Addison and fires She squeals and raises her ar, Zac falls back and Addison yells, "I’ to kill you, you little freak!"
"Freak is Bre’s nicknaain and Addison stops fro when Paul walks in with a skateboard in his hand and heads to the fridge "Bre’s nicknaht, Encyclopedia-freak?"