Page 17 (1/2)

"Well, either way," I said, going to war well"

"Yeah, me, too"

"I have two jobs for you"

"Okay, but I’ve decided I need weekends and holidays off"


"I don’t know It just sounds good And I need benefits"

I gave him my best deadpan expression "Isn’t it a little late foryou naked But only so me naked Now, do you want to know the jobs or not?"

"Sure Why not? I’ue"

I curled up beside him, and he put an arm around my shoulders "Can we ed "I used to be pretty good Haven’t tried it in about thirty years"

"But you can manipulate objects sometimes I’ve seen you"

"Yeah Do you need a nude portrait done?"

"Yes, actually, I do"

He rose slightly "Really?"

"Yes Of Mr Wong’s back"

Disappointuy? I’ood idea"


"I don’t know He’s … escalofriante"

"Angel Garza," I said, leaning away froive you the chills?"

"He just does"

"That’s not nice"

"Whatever you say, ’jita"

"And you can’t callI’m older than you are"