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My head snaps to her "You didn’t"
Her voice is softer than a whisper
"And they said I was ugly That they’d have to put a bag over
Because I want to kill so I want to reach into her mind and wrench those ain
"I left after that"
I grasp her shoulder "They were assholes, okay? Stupid and cruel little dicks to say those things I never said them"
"No, I know that" Then so After they were gone, you ca outjust like nor as no one else was around to see it"
All I can do is stare at her, pull the words froive them to her "I’m sorry I’ what they thought But I liked you Blond or brunette, designer clothes or a trash bag--I wanted to be close to you Even then"
When her eyes dip, I lift her chin "If I could go back and change all of that, I would But this is where we are now We have to move forward I’m in love with you And if it takes awhile for you to wrap your head around that--to wrap your heart around it--then I’ll wait Because you’re worth waiting for You alere"
• • •
Things are upbeat again between us by the ti up tohalt in the foyer
Because standing there, staring at our entwined hands like it’s a living, breathing !" If she ser, her face will break in half "Kennedy, dearest, I can’t tell you what a joy it is to see you again Here With Brent"
"Hi, Mrs Mason--it’s great to see you too"
There’s hugs and cheek kisses all around
I try my damnedest not to sound as disappointed as I feel "What are you doing here, Moa"
"Your father’s back was acting up, so we had to come home"
That’s when my father walks past the open doorway of the library, on the phone and pacing, and his back seems just dandy to me
My eyes narrow on Henderson And I smell a traitor