Page 18 (1/2)

Brutal Precious Sara Wolf 19710K 2023-09-01

"You!" He squawks, and points

"YOU!" I shout "How are you still alive? I FIFA’d your balls!"

"What the hell is she doing here?" He snarls at Jack Jack sighs

"Isis Blake, meet Charlie Moriyalare He narrows his narrow eyes even further

"Look, we don’t have time for this shit," Charlie looks to Jack "We were supposed to be there five hs and hefts off the bed, looking at me "I’ll be back later We’ll talk uys See if I care"

"Isis –"

"We’re GOING," Charlie shouts, grabbing a towel off the end of his bed and sla the door behind him Jack frowns, and follows reluctantly

And I do the same From at least five meters and two cars away Charlie drives a white Nissan with a broken taillight My hway and away from school Why has Jack shacked up with Tweed-jerk and S to hire hiuess he succeeded Let’s be real though - Jack let hi that happens to Jack is exactly because Jack lets it happen Except ality and joy

Jack said he’s working, which means, what? He’s at school, but on a job for Tweed? What job, stealing good grades for the poor-grade people? What could Tweed’s company possibly do for money, other than stand there and look dumb? It doesn’t make any sense and it e, white-stone plaza surrounded by a posh apart A security booth lets cars in and out of the e Charlie’s Nissan disappears, and I pull up next The security guard is a tan guy with a neat beard

"Hey there, who are you here to see?" He asks

"Uood brains,that comes to mind instead "Jesus…? Christ"

He squints, and just when I’m convinced he’ll launch a row of spikes under my car and into my tires, he smiles

"Ah, yeah, you must be here for the North Presbyterian dinner"

"Yeah! That’s right Praise the lord!"

He nods "Go on in, visitor parking is on the left"

Either the rest of the world is exceedingly due Wait, who a yet except how to have panic attacks and not pay attention to professors at all Correction: thanks, National Geographic

I park and walk slowly behind Jack and Charlie, who are waiting outside a fenced door that leads to the elevators After ony in which I al to hide behind a pillar when Charlie looked behind him, a red-head with a black bikini on opens the door for them She bats her eyelashes at Jack and I pretend I did not see, the saain she has titties up to her eyes and she has a wonderful sed then he should by all means bed her, because she looks fairly fun and also cute and who aet in the way of true love Not even well- Italian arch-nemesis faracefully as a Koga ninja I er in it just before it closes and locks me out

"Banana shitcake!" I whisper loudly and nurse the tip of er in my et a war habit, perhaps?"

I whirl around to see Jack leaning against the railing behind me I look downstairs to my escape door, back to his cal

"How many stories does it take before you break your knees? Medically? Asking for a friend"

"Don’t you dare jump"