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"All right See you tomorrow?"
She nodded faintly in response to Graham’s question, but with each step she took away, her head was bowing downto be invisible
I took a step forward, and reached out toward her "Char--"
She lifted her head and narrowed her eyes again
Acknowledg--clear as day in those blue eyes--not to say anything more
I dropped my hand as I choked back y, or so else to hurt her more, I wasn’t sure With a stiff nod, I turned back around, and tried to ignore the disappoint from Graham
"Good effort" Frustration leaked from his words
"Whatever, man"
June 3, 2016
I CREPT OUT of the rooht, book in hand, androo that had already been a luxury since Keith was born, and so that had been nonexistent in the week and a half that I’d been working at Ma since I’d moved home--or, more accurately, all the crap with Deacon--I needed this time
I didn’t care that I would be dead onWho needed sleep when there were other worlds to get lost in? Made-up lives that you wished could be your own? Fictional men to swoon over--ones that were in no way linked to Marvel Comics or a notebook als out of the way in the fridge until I found rabbed a cold bar of chocolate before walking back toward the couches
I’d just gotten a lamp turned on and myself settled under a blanket when Grey plopped down next toopen the wrapper for a few seconds, then slowly resu me
"Hi," I said warily, and handed her a sht?" she asked as she popped the chocolate into herBeauty? Belle?"
"None of the above I told you I don’t read fairy tales Did I wake you?"
She shook her head slowly as she chewed "Aly just fell asleep a couple e He’s cute," she said suddenly, and gestured to the guy gracing the cover of the book on my lap
My eyes narrowed in suspicion Grey never wanted to talk about the books I read unless it was tostiffly I knew her well enough to know she asting ti personal
"If you’ve suddenly changed your ood one to start with" When her face twisted, I continued "That’s what I thought Why do I have a feeling you’re down here for a reason?"
"What’s going on between you and Deacon?"
Irrational, betraying heart
I didn’t want to feel anything for Deacon Carver other than the loathing he felt forhis name could cause this kind of chaos inside etic question