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Without thinking about it, she said, "Of course"
Satisfaction curled his mouth "Because she’s Cannon’s baby sis, and you care about Cannon"
God help her, she loved Cannon Always had and probably alould There wasn’tthe melon-size luo Accept the helping hand when any of us offers, okay? We’ll be offended otherwise And seriously, we’re all annoying as shit e’re offended"
He spoke of "us" and "we" as if the fighters who utilized the rec center were always of one s--like Cannon--they were She didn’t really knohat to say, so she said siht? Everyone enjoys hanging out together It’s not as though hanging a door ora few boxes takes all that much effort"
"I had fun"
He turned down the street toward her house They saw that the door was up, and it looked terrific Better than the old door Probably "
Yvette had been occupied watching Cannon replace tools in the garage, but at that growled sentiment, she looked at Armie "What?"
"The coho dicked with your door I hate that sneaky crap"
She pretty much hated it, too "It bothersCannon If I could, I’d keep him totally uninvolved"
Armie snorted "Souy would want to hear it, but Cannon gets ht, she said in a smaller voice, "I only meant uninvolved with the trouble" And before he made her feel even worse, she explained, "I wanted hihed outright
Insulted, she narrowed her eyes at him "Why is that funny?"
"How the hell did you want hiuy is upside down over you" He lifted a brow "Majorly in lust"
"Armie," she warned
But he’d already ht you around the rec center otherwise And clearly he enjoys you Don’t think I’ve ever seen the guy so touchy-feely, and always s his head, he asked, "Did you want him to be oblivious?"
"Of course not" She wanted him to bewell, impressed And didn’t that justyou exactly as he should" Softening, goingYou wanted to show him that you were free of the past"