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"She never does!"
"With the way you’re acting, can you blame her?" He let that sink in, then added, "I know you don’t want to upset any of the other nice people who are here,the public locale, Heath’s gaze scanned the rooht? So how about you go cool down and think about things?"
Heath bunched and unbunched, but by so?" Cannon asked "Nearby? Close enough that we can get together later and talk?"
Understanding why he asked, Yvette stayed quiet
Suspicion increased Heath’s color "We?"
"You and me"
He looked beyond Cannon to where Yvette stood, arms crossed, her face hot
Cannon stepped into his line of vision "Look at me, Heath Not her"
"I’m at the Colonial"
"I knohere it is," Cannon said "I’ve stayed there myself before when I visit town"
"You don’t live here?"
"Not full-ti hiive you a call and we can arrange a time to sit down and settle this What do you think?"
With pronounced longing, Heath looked back, trying to see her, but Cannon kept his attention with his hand on his shoulder "Breakfast, maybe? Or lunch?"
Out a card from his wallet and handed it over, but then planted his feet at the door "Understand, though, I will talk with her" He looked back at Yvette again "I gave you tih"
And with that, he slammed out
Frozen to the spot, Yvette admired hoell Cannon had handled that Unlike her, he hadn’t gotten distraught He hadn’t gotten physical either, as Armie had wanted to do
Maybe it was Cannon’s extre to react He could handle whatever Heath did and knew it, so why get riled up about it?
When Cannon stayed at the door,sure Heath actually drove away, she ducked around the corner and headed for the break roo, everyone speculating
Keeping her head up and her gaze straight ahead, she tried not to race away Cannon deserved so ht him He deservedon it No ould she let Heath ruin her progress
DOING HIS BEST to hide his rage, Cannon watched Heath go to his car, noted the make and model, the plates, and waited until the bastard disappeared around the corner