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No Limits Lori Foster 14060K 2023-09-01

"It’s not all like that, you know"

Okay, given the gentleness of his tone,to be Yvette wasn’t sure what to say so she looked away

He dipped his head into her line of vision "So and silly, his eyebrows bopping, "it’s just dirty fun"

"Arhtened "Yeah, doll?"

"This is rin, too "Can’t make you blush, huh?"

Cannon h "Not over so so silly"

"So maybe I need to try harder"

She unlocked her car door "And ould you want to do that?"

Going super serious, he stared down at her and spoke in a quiet, sincere voice "Because Cannon cares about you, and he’s like a brother to me, so that means I care, too"

Now she blushed

And Aro," he said softly "Cannon will be along any second now if you want to wait"

"No" The very last thing she wanted to do was butt in on his night out with his friends She touched Armie’s ar for a endary local pn shop? Yeah," he said on a laugh, "I lared, but that only ah "Don’t knohy I’," he et into her car "Ishould be a shock, right?"

"Goodbye, Arrinned "’Bye, Yvette"

The way he said that, all sugary and teasing and full of wickedness, well, Yvette could see why the naughty ladies loved hihty ladies were drawn, as well Just not her

She’d already fallen for Cannon

And given what Cannon had said earlier, and what Armie had just confirh that she had to be miserable