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He inspected her, his eyes devouring her, appraising her fro her best to look alluring, and I had to ad It was no wonder she’d attracted the attention of so hout the city
My stoh half-lidded eyes His gaze paused over the bare spots of her skin: her neck, her shoulders, her arave a quick nod of his head to the alirl who stood beside him, lost in the shadows of his bulk Her inky-black hair ept up into a cascading ponytail, with tiny black wisps ski to be in a club
Just like Brook andfor Brook’s hand and ht
And then it was my turn
I pressedto avoid his scrutiny, but he stared anyway
It was impossible not to feel violated I did oose bumps broke out overeyes with his My shoulders stiffened, and I refused to look away
He grinned atscarlet beneath the glow of the red lights overhead, his lips thinning around the to any class in particular--at least not any longer Of that I was certain Everything about hi else entirely I wondered which class it was that had cast him aside, or whether he’d sih no fault of his own to a life in which he was never perlaise
I tried not to be the first to blink, but he was better at this ga hter boomed above the ain The slight girl with the pony-tail hopped forward, grabbingit before she disappeared behind the bouncer once led, a little so they added to the ink to loosen up the patrons Particularly the fee ones
We considered it the price of adal as he scanned both of our Passports before handing them back to us I had no idea where the scanned infor us here, since the clubs weren’t exactly legitial, either, but only because no club ever stayed open for more than a few days A week at edfrom within
I could feel the steady rhythh hts that were mounted in the rafters overhead And, for the ot to be irritated by the flesh examination I’d just been subjected to
It had been far too long since I’d been out, too long since I’d listened to real music, the kind that came from an electric sound syste a war, isn’t it? Are you out of your mind? Do you love it here?" Brooklynn’s manic speech patterns would have been impossible for anyone else to keep up with, but I’d known Brook since ere children I could eat her rapid-fire sentences for breakfast
I followed her eyes around the club She was right It was as Thered, blue, and purple lights that pulsed to the lass-and-steel bar had been built into an entire wall of theit probably hadn’t existed yesterday and could be gone as early as toe dance floor was crowded as bodies rubbed together, sliding, grinding, and swaying to the seductive beat Just watching made me want to join them, as they moved in and around one another
The beat continued to thread its fingers aroundthis club?"
"Prey," Brook answered, and I grinned
Of course it was Prey It was always sogedinto her purse to pull out soet two Valkas?" The tremor in her voice was barely noticeable
The bartender was a sineo and looked like she could be a bouncer in her own right Her short, spiky hair was a deep shade of blue, and her tongue shot out to touch the piercing in her lower lip She was beautiful in a strangely androgynous way, and her comfort in her own skin was evident in the way she moved as she reached for a bottle She narrowed her black eyes at the juirl in front of her bar
Brooklynn squared her shoulders and ly as she could
Finally the bartender set two glasses on the countertop and filled the blue liquid "Twelve," she stated in a raspy voice that was both hard and sensual at the same time As she slid the drinks toward us, I was instantly very aware of just how underage we really were
Brooklynn dropped a single bill on the bar, and the woe or tips