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Natalie realized she couldn’t s They felt heavy and hot Her toes itched, but she couldn’t s?" She started to panic and tried to sit up, but Baojia pushed her back

"You broke both your legs in the rockslide," he said "They’re in casts right now But they’re going to be fine"

"A, and the ain He took her hand and she immediately calmed down

"No," he said in a steady voice "There was no dae to your spine You are not paralyzed"

He continued soothing her when the doctor caone through Three broken bones Brain swelling Trauht side, accompanied by massive blood loss She’d been in a medically induced co longer

Finally, she said, "I guess I’m pretty lucky to be alive"

The doctor smiled "Very lucky Quite frankly, you’re a miracle If your friend hadn’t driven you to the hospital so fast…" He s she broke some traffic laws"

Natalie frowned and looked at Baojia He cleared his throat and glanced at the doctor beforeher eyes

"Tenzin ith you and Carwyn on the hike, reht you"

"Ah Got it" Natalie was a little disappointed She didn’t even rein is fine, and roaned "But that’s still gonna hurt for a while I broke both s, but they’re clean breaks--"

"And with proper physical therapy, you should be able to ith no i lasting proble and possibly afterward for soery, but physical therapy will be very iood physical therapist," she said "I’ll be fine"

Baojia finally gave her a real smile "Yes, you will"

"There, there, theeeeeere…" Natalie threw her head back and groaned "Oh, that feels a"

"Who knew chopsticks had sohis arm around her as she lay in the hospital bed The blessed chopstick was placed on the side table for the next ti in her left cast became unbearable They both turned their heads when they heard the faint tapping on the door

"Hey" Kristy sht I was interrupting so," she said "The rocks didn’t kill ht"

She’d been in the hospital for almost teeks The doctors had been worried about her head for a while Baojia had just s it Natalie tried to be mad at him, but he was so happy she was alive it was hard to be irritated Then they orried because she had a fever and they thought the wound in her side had become infected Baojia fussed because he couldn’t heal it co observed by the doctors and nurses He ht have used a bit of his blood to heal the worst of the surface injuries so she wouldn’t scar Then he rateful when she tasted right again
