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She took a deep breath "You been in anything like this before?"
"Not exactly"
"What are our odds?"
He shrugged "Tenzin says you should never try to calculate odds in a fight Just win That’s all that matters"
Natalie let out a slow breath "Win Got it"
He heard the as they crouched in the tunnel The va road He looked at Tenzin, as closing her eyes and listening intently After a ers, then three
Thirteen? So soid had tunneled around to the other side of the crater to lie in wait so they could attack froid and Carwyn to attack fro to the air to catch any stragglers or air vampires who could fly Also, she said she’d try to pull as much of the storm toward them as possible Baojia had doubts about how much the small vampire--even as powerful as she was--could, he’d be even stronger
He glanced toward the crouched figures at the center of the crater
Don’t let theive her as much time as he could But he sure as hell hoped that Tenzin held up her end of the bargain if time ran out
Shit, shit, shit Natalie’s heart beat a staccato rhythhter on the air They were co sound overhead, like a dark bird on the night air Drops of rain began to fall and she gripped her gun closer Ben held one weapon in his hands, another was ready at his waist, and still another was strapped to his thigh
Natalie said, "You’re kind of frightening for a teenager, you know?"
Ben only grinned "Aren’t you glad I’rowls ca voice "Nothing’s going to happen to you"
She gave a jerky nod a second before she heard the collisionsound, then a hoarse scream was cut short A second later came a quiet thud as a blond ud d a sechead landed only inches froht blue eyes stared at Natalie as its mouth fell open in an eternal snarl She slapped a hand over her mouth to hold in the scream, then all hell broke loose