Page 52 (1/1)

He was like her now He didn’t have a family either

The moment was interrupted by a whirl of movey sparking around her She flung a long, hockey-like stick toward the practice , "Catch, Ben!" as she did Baojia zipped toward the incolared at the newco next to Beatrice and bu her shoulder "Hey, there Miss ht her breath before the woain, one hand held out toward Baojia, as baring his teeth and already had a sword in his hand Flae vampire’s hand and Natalie let out a yelp as a sheet of water appeared out of nowhere to flank Baojia Carina wiggled and laughed in her lap, clapping at the sudden special effects show that had appeared before her

"Hello," the stranger said with a sht they would have warned you"

Baojia said nothing, a lol ru from his throat as he re the fire vaht want to move away fro not to panic, even though Carina was delighted by the action "Yeah, guys Baby here Teeny, tiny hued and took a step back "Understandable, then Sorry about that"

Natalie scooted farther away from the woman, and every foot that separated them seemed to put Baojia more at ease Eventually, the sas lowered and the water returned to the fountains, though his fangs remained visible in his mouth He made no effort to hide the his cheek along hers in a quick movement before he turned and sto and staring silently Eventually, Ben lifted the long stick the woid called "Also handy for bashing idiotic husbands across the back of the head, should the need arise" Everyone looked at her "What?"

Ben said, "I’ll keep that induid the whole ti"

Dez whispered, "And hot" Beatrice was just beaid sid, by the way I’d shake your hand, but he’d likely amputate it at the elbow, so I’ll just wave"

Natalie waved back "I’m Natalie And I’hly possessive vaid said in an a her as the Irish va, eh?"

Beatrice shook her head "Not as young as you But she’s new Or rather, they’re new"

"Fun" Brigid leaned back and surveyed the studio "B, is he the one who taught you to use those crazy hook-swords I want?"

"Yep, that’s Baojia And please You’d never give up your guns"

The vas fully on display Like Beatrice, she had black hair and a sliy She had shockingly pale skin, even for a vampire, and close-cropped hair that suited her delicate features Like Giovanni, heat radiated off her Natalie could feel her froly inhuray Though Dez had told her the fire vauessed she would have a hard ti as hu off, no doubt a vampire schedule wreaked havoc on normal bedtime Carina had nestled into Natalie’s chest, her soft pink cheek warainst the skin of her neck and her little hand still clutching a lock of her red hair "Hey Dez…"

"She asleep? I’d better get her hoirl, feeling the loss of the baby’s warmth as she sat back on the bench

"Good to see yGopan>Natou" Beatrice stood and hugged her friend goodbye "Toht," Dez said with a wink "Bedtime by eleven and a real breakfast the next day"

"Daywalker," Beatrice muttered "Fine At least I have new friends to keep id

"And cause trouble Speaking of that…" Brigid looked around the studio and lowered her voice "What are aiting around here for?"

Brigid , but the wo the only huidsouth toward the border

"I miss my bike," Beatrice added "I need to buy an older one so I can just ride, but I miss my Triumph By the here’s your husband?"

They had returned to the house an hour before, Beatrice assuring Baojia that Natalie would be carefully guarded She ht have left out the current plan to drive to the border to check with one of Natalie’s contacts at the Otay Mesa border crossing