Page 44 (1/2)
Apparently someone in the house liked Mario Brothers
Wide-eyed, she peered around the doorway into a den filled with deep couches, bookcases of DVDs and ga at an enorot it… Watch out, Ten--"
"Be quiet"
"You’re co up on a really sharp left--"
"Shut up, Benjae boy leaned over a sri a white plastic wheel
She batted his hand ahen he approached "I kno to do this Go away"
"Will you just let me help?"
"I aure it out, you brat"
Natalie must have let out a squeak, because the boy turned
"Oh, hey! You’re awake" He tapped the small woman--vampire?--on the shoulder before he stood "Tenzin, she’s awake"
The va what looked like pink driving gloves as she continued to stare at the ga to the left as the wheels squealed on the surround sound
"She’s been awake for half an hour, Ben She took a shoith that shary Daround and grabbed a box from a stack next to the coffee table
The boy paused on his way toward Natalie "You kill another one?"
"Yes And I was just about to beat Yoshi I hate that stupid little dinosaur"
Natalie said, "Everyone likes Yoshi"
Ben grinned at her "Tenzin’s not everyone You must be Natalie" He held out his hand, and Natalie shook it "I’m Ben"
"You’re huh "Did you get enough sleep?"
"Uh huh And she’s a…" Natalie nodded toward the small woman Ben had called Tenzin
"Vaame addict Pain-in-the-ass, also known as Tenzin"