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Page 39 (1/2)

"Who’s Gio?" Her voice sounded nu questions? It’s a long story And Gio is Beatrice’s husband They met back when she was in Houston, but then he left when she came out here for school And… a bunch of stuff happened They were o"

"And Gio is a vampire"

"Uh huh"

"And so is B"

"They both are now"

Natalie let her head fall to the table and the tears coic has no place in this world any the blue pill Or the red one Whatever"

Dez started rubbing set used to it I re pretty freaked out when Beatrice first told ood idea, actually "How many bottles do you have?"

As it turned out, just one bottle and Natalie was feeling significantly better

"Wait, wait, wait…" She and Dez were sitting in the guest room on the second floor in their pajamas Matt had already put the baby to bed and ave Dez a kiss and retired for the night "So, Beatrice De Novo is a water vampire now--"

"Uh huh"

"And she’s married to a fire vampire?"

"He’s kind of a badass"

"Fire and water" Natalie wiggled her eyebrows "Steahter "And you’re a little drunk"

"Not nearly enough, trust me" She c s h Wine ood kisser"

"That’s what I hear," Dez said, pouring another glass "Oh, wait You’re not talking about Gio, are you?"

"Who’s Gio?" She frowned "Oh, right Fire dude No, not hihed and fell back into the pile of pillows "Yes I hate that he’s so sexy"

"Why not just enjoy it? A good kisser, huh?"

"Very good Very… thorough I mean, when he kisses you, you feel kissed"

"That hed "…co now, but she wasn’t sure if it was fros

"He has fangs A to cut ood idea…"

Dez ignored her "I saw hi with Beatrice once No shirt The vieas very nice"