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"Only E down into an office chair He stretched his long legs out before him, his feet crossed at the ankles, and folded his hands over his stomach He was the picture of ease, and it didn’t fool Adrian for a moment Those sky blue eyes were too sharp for him to be truly relaxed
"Fine Oh Great and Exalted Leader, iot a patient due in an hour"
Max rolled his eyes "Do you remember the position your father held within the Pride?"
Adrian nodded; it was no secret "Yeah He was Marshal"
"And what does the Marshal do?"
Adrian frowned Max was being a pain in the ass "The Marshal protects the Alphas and the Pride froet a cookie now?"
"And as the last time the Pride was threatened?" Max raised one brow and stared at hily
Adrian blew out a breath "My father killed an Outcast as hurting Pride rowl
"Uh-huh And that hat? Twenty-five years ago?"
"Yeah So?"
"So your dad is no longer Marshal"
Adrian shrugged "I know I figured Gabe was That’s why he caulped as his eyes ide "Are you telling me I’m Gabe’s Second?"
Max rolled his eyes "No Idiot Gabe is your Second You’re Marshal"
Adrian blinked "No fucking way"
"Yes fucking way"
"I’rinned "So? Are you saying I can’t kick ass with the best of them?"
Adrian’s eyes widened "No! Hell, no Do I look stupid?"
"I’rinned "What about Sihtfully
"Okay then Didn’t you notice how Gabe listened to you, followed your directions, added on only after he’d gotten your approval?"
Adrian blinked again, startled The other man had done that, hadn’t he?
"That’s because he knew instinctively who you are, and who he is And he’s fine with it"
Hell, ht He blew out a breath as all the odd sensations he’d been feeling recently suddenly made sense All males felt the need to protect theirto lay down his life in defense of his mate and kits didn’t deserve either But his reaction to Belle’s pain had been al as his reaction to Sheri’s His need to ensure his Alpha’s safety and the safety of his Pride had been eating at him for the past two days, ever since his tires had been slashed Adrian was both horrified and fascinated "Marshal?"