Page 87 (1/2)
Next to et co up at e, other people can," she ainst my chest The vibrations of her voice make me shiver
It takes little concentration to douse the candles burning all over the rooentle blue darkness
"I don’t want to marry her"
"That’s never been ive her what she wants Not when it ht, and any chance I ree, but I can do more on a throne, with a crown, than I can without them
"After the parlay," I breathe, hesitant, "once Harbor Bay is secure, I think we hit Gray Town next Full strength We won’t catch another tech sluuard, not after Nen"
In the darkness, the brush of her lips on uard I juainstback into place
"It’s the right thing to do"
But a reason? For her?
Does that even ive you?" she mumbles, half asleep Mare is just as tired as I a and too bloody
I blink in the darkness, staring at nothing Her breathing slows and evens as she drifts away
She is asleep when I finally answer
"A copy of my mother’s diary"