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Page 10 (1/2)

Julie pushed away fro set up in the conference rooht thirty sharp Gerald arrived a few minutes early, took one look at Rachel, and scowled "What the?"

"Don’t ask," Rachel said

Julie laughed "Her kitchen door beat her up"


"It’s a long story" It wasn’t, but she didn’t want to go into it

"We can postpone this," Gerald offered

"As bad as this looks"--she pointed to her face--"postponing is worse Besides,to take one for the team"

"Whatever you say"

Gerald took his seat when threetea everyone about her door punch

Rachel ignored the giggling and willed her sto poised and confident As much as she knew her presentation was exactly what the co it to the CEO and CFO didn’t need the distraction of a bruised face getting in the way

There were only two chairs left that needed filling, and it was eight thirty-five

When she heard voices behind the closed conference door, she turned around to gather her strength Public speaking was easy for her, she knew herwith her psyche

A chorus of good s spread around the room

Rachel sucked in a breath, blew it out slowly

"You remember Julie Kim," Gerald said

Rachel painted on a smile and turned

"And this is our newest member of the team Rach--"


Maybe the hit to her head was harder than she thought "Jason?"

"What the hell happened to your face?"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Jason stood beside another man, close in stature, their power suits perfectly pressed, not a hair out of place He was just as easy to look at as she’d reiant steps and Jason was at her side, his hand reaching up to brush her hair back The gesture and the concern on his face would have wooed her if he wasn’t standing in the ht with a door," Julie said from the side

"Have you had this looked at?" Jason asked

Rachel shook hi here?"

The roout She glanced around The man Jason had walked in with had his hands tucked in his pockets as he rocked back on his heels, a ing glances Julie looked at her and shook her head; the hiddento send was lost on Rachel

She felt sick

Gerald was the only one who found his voice "Rachel, this is Jason Fairchild"

"Fairchild" She blinked several ti in at one ti datewas her boss She closed her eyes, shook her head "No, nothis isn’t" She was thinking out loud

"Are you okay?" Gerald asked

She opened her eyes, pushed her chin in the air

"I think you should sit down," Jason suggested