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"Let the pethet read it," he sneered

Colvin sed "I cannot"


"I cannot"

"You cannot? Because you think your language is the best language? That because you were born and your parents babbled to you in this tongue, that it is the best language to speak? How small is your mind, pethet So very tiny Little ideas Puny ideas Let me see it, child Show it toat the whorl of letters scribed in the lower half

He pursed his lips "Yes…yes…and then what…oh, then I see…I see…very well Yes, there I see Yes"

"You can read it?" Lia said, hope welling up in her sto his head

"You cannot?"

"No, for it is written in the language of the Pry-rian A fallen people But it is a good tongue They had noble ideas in Pry-Ree"

"But…but you cannot read it?" Lia said, disappointed

He looked up forrily into her eyes "No, no – none of that, child! You ain No…youher lip, confused by his erratic words

"Doubt Do not doubt Never doubt I cannot read Pry-rian It is a forgotten language bywhat it said, little sister The Mediues Soift of reading thehtened and excited

"You already know! I heard you whisper it Because I am a maston and because I believe I can This is what it said so far Or what it meant to say but could not tell you because you cannot hear the whispers yet very well I ive you the sword, the tunic, and the chaen of the maston who died here These must be taken to the o there Youdeeply into her eyes "And he o too Let me read the rest…yes…yes…I can see it Very well Very well Theis clear"