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A fir Lia ju to see Colvin Hurryingly, she raised the crossbar and pulled the door handle

But it was not the arht-gard and nificent sword belted to his waist

"Look at you, lass You seem surprised I caasped "I did not think…the sheriff’s ht they had captured you"

"The sheriff’s h brains between them to fill the husk of a nut, but that is neither here nor there Froe yesterday, you have done your part with great cleverness He is safe?"

Lia nodded triuood lass I knew you were a clever girl So young to be so clever" He nudged the door with the tip of his boot "He is not hiding in here, is he?"

"No, the sheriff ransacked the place looking for him Sowe and I – she is my companion you know – we took hi to fetch him at dawn and steal his horse back and…"

"His horse? It wandered here too?"

"Yes, days ago We are trying to help him find Winterrowd But now that you are here, you can take hi from shadow to shadow "No, it is nearly dawn I must flee before the other helpers awaken Tell hi for hiues frorim," Lia echoed "It is nearby I will tell hiht Garen Demont is lucky to have you Do you suspect the sheriff is watching the road?"

He s flattered "It is you who are brave Oh, I auer is not as clever as you, but he is still a fearful man Did you see him when he ca for…" She al if the knight"For hihtful man But the Aldermaston sent him away"

"Brave lass I am proud of you Here – for your bravery and for the risks you have taken" He reached into his pocket and withdrew a coin pouch that jingled when he shook it "I would do rihteen and ready to make your way in this harsh world Hide it where you put you other treasures" He handed it to her As she tentatively took it, his other hand clasped on top of hers, waret Thank you, lass Now hurry, hide it before the cook comes and ruins our plan You reri with pleasure inside

He let her hand go after a gentle pat "First the Pilgrim Then to Winterrowd We may have a chance yet, with him on our side"

"Learners question why faces are carved into stone as a ic of the Medium There are many levels of symbolism involved that can be shared openly Stone symbolizes permanence The faces represent mankind’s ultimate and eventual dominion over the elements of nature and even ti cycle of birth, death, and rebirth But one, acting under the proper authority of the Medium, can alter that course The likeness of the sun, reat power exists beyond this world that can control this one We are, after all, living on only one of the worlds inhabited by the Fa with instruction for creating the stones’ – can only be had through the rites of the Abbey All mastons know this, and they do not share it outside their order"

- Cuthbert Renowden of Billerbeck Abbey


The Cruciger Orb

Fog shrouded the abbey grounds with fleecy wisps and dew Lia and Soore their cloaks and hugged themselves for warmth as they crossed the Cider Orchard towards the waymarker near the rock cleft In one hand, Lia clutched the metal orb and used it to point the way in the er, his brow mottled with a scab, his cheeks and chin scruffy hiskers Sowe said nothing as she carried the linen bundle with the foodstuffs Ahead, in the gloo