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​ Shortly after ten detective McGill returned to the stationShe said that the insurance agent stated that him and his as headed home from down south and about a half a mile past the Greenwood roadside park al theet her help She kept saying lets go they’ll be coot her into their RV and brought her to the hospital

​ The insurance agent’s wife backed up his story and added that while he was driving thite cargo type vans past and the victim squeezed her hand and said oh God that’s them She hadn’t told her husband that because she didn’t want him to worry about their safety The vans didn’t slon or turn around besides it was dark and neither vehicles could see into their RV and vise versaDetective Gilbert received a call from Bishop Holden with soet on the plane to the parish where he had been transferred to He ht have decided not to continue his faith due to his mis conduct He told her that Brother Tho a prosititute in the church’s chapel and was paying her out of the donation dish then lied to hier sister Debbie and she stoled the money out of the dish He transferred him not only because of misconduct but his lies also