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While Victoria and Skippy was bonding Grandpa helped grandroceries up She started a stew in the crock pot Grandpa cut up the onions whie grandpa Henry cut the celery After grandma put the meat into the crock pot Victoria caht every single Victoria couldn't quite talking about Skippy and wanted sorandpa Henry and Tho pictures taken and taking the the baby carrots and cutting the potatoes and putting all of it on to cook she went outside to enjoy doing the saet a treat by using the back stairs and straight to the dog door then running to the swing set at the side of the house beating Victoria out The first few tiame Skippy would follow Victoria and was beaten When she learned she didn't get a treat until she won She would whine then lay down by the swing Grandpa Thorabbed her collar one day and took her down the back stairs and let go of her and pointed to the back door and gave the coo Victoria stayed inside until Skippy was out the back door then proceed to go out and of course Skippy won and got her treat After that there was no way Victoria could win at their little gaame would save all of their lives later
When school started Skippy had to stay inside and watched Victoria get on the school bus then was permitted out of Victoria's and her room She would whimper the entire she was in there without Victoria The minute she was let out she would run down to the little bus house that grandpa Tho for the bus For awhile Grandma also looked out auntil Victoria was safe on the bus She couldn't tell anybody due to things she had been told by her very close friend in Louisville but she was scared that soht coht she was going loony tunes She loved her little Victoria sodid happen to Victoria she would go loony tunes for sure She had lost Maddy She couldn't understand why Maddy had given her Victoria but she was thankful that whatever role God played in that Frorandpa Henry attended every church service and revival at Porky Pine Baptist church