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The next day she handed it to Sister Sarah Sister Sarah thanked her and wasn't sure how to pronounce it either but just having it she felt blessed The young bishop would be able to tell what denomination of Catholic that Genevie's family worship She copied it then faxed it to him

He received the fax and thanked her for it He said the historians could probably identify it within a couple of days The bishop got back in touch with Sister Sarah and told her the historian he gave the fax to confirmed it was an ancient denomination of the faith they needed e like the first chapter they could dofor college Sister Sarah gave her a list of colleges that were the best writing colleges in the country Genevie took the list home to show it to the Mother Superior Mother Superior checked out the colleges to see where they were located at first She rounded it down to three colleges

The three colleges were North Western University in Louisana, Oberlin College in Ohio, and University of Iowa Mother Superior was leaning toward North Western University for reasons of her own She contacted Scotland and explained her reasoning for Louisiana She filled out the paper work and sent it to the University She told Genevie she had filled out all of the colleges application

The University was given an old plantation Home in fantastic condition just outside of New Orleans to be a college for the entertain other avenues of the entertainment and media industry It was the New North Western State of Louisiana Creative College

There was several out buildings that was for students use The biggest out building was the Production Studio for both file for the sect to live in She could and would keep a very careful eye on Genevi

This last teeks of Genevie's senior year was spent taking her last final then help with decorating the auditorium for the prom There were three boys who had asked her to the prom but all three were denied by Mother Superior She was allowed to go but only to help

Mother Superior offered all of her nuns as chaperones they were there to keep an eye on Genevie Their orders was that she ht for one minute and especially alone with a boy

Genevie knew she had to get the book to Sister Sarah her fa for the proper time When the Mother Superior and the rest of the nuns was leaving for aGenevie asked if she could go and work on either of her painting or writing for the newspaper