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"You do look sweet," said Anne rapturously

"Lovely," echoed Diana

"Everything's ready, Miss Shirley,dreadful has happened YET," was Charlotta's cheerful statement as she betook herself to her little back room to dress Out came all the braids; the resultant rampant crinkliness was plaited into two tails and tied, not with ts alone, but with four, of brand-new ribbon, brightly blue The two upper bows rather gave the i from Charlotta's neck, somewhat after the fashion of Raphael's cherubs But Charlotta the Fourth thought them very beautiful, and after she had rustled into a white dress, so stiffly starched that it could stand alone, she surveyed herself in her glass with great satisfactiona satisfaction which lasted until she went out in the hall and caught a gliirl in so white, star-like flowers on the smooth ripples of her ruddy hair

"Oh, I'll NEVER be able to look like Miss Shirley," thought poor Charlotta despairingly "You just have to be born so, I guessdon't seeive you that AIR"

By one o'clock the guests had co Mr and Mrs Allan, for Mr Allan was to perform the ceremony in the absence of the Grafton minister on his vacation There was no fore

Miss Lavendar caroo brown eyes to his with a look that made Charlotta the Fourth, who intercepted it, feel queerer than ever They went out to the honeysuckle arbor, where Mr Allan aiting therouped themselves as they pleased Anne and Diana stood by the old stone bench, with Charlotta the Fourth between the their hands in her cold, tremulous little paws

Mr Allan opened his blue book and the cere were pronouncedhappened The sun suddenly burst through the gray and poured a flood of radiance on the happy bride Instantly the garden was alive with dancing shadows and flickering lights

"What a lovely oht Anne, as she ran to kiss the bride Then the three girls left the rest of the guests laughing around the bridal pair while they flew into the house to see that all was in readiness for the feast

"Thanks be to goodness, it's over, Miss Shirley, ma'am," breathed Charlotta the Fourth, "and they're s of rice are in the pantry, ma'am, and the old shoes are behind the door, and the crea is on the sullar steps"