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Ever since the day of the spring picnic Anne had put flowers on Hester's grave when she visited Matthew's The evening before she had arden in the woods and brought therefroht you would like them better than any others, dear," she said softly
Anne was still sitting there when a shadow fell over the grass and she looked up to see Mrs Allan They walked hoirlbride whoht to Avonlea five years before It had lost some of its bloom and youthful curves, and there were fine, patient lines about eyes and rave in that very cemetery accounted for so the recent illness, now happily over, of her little son But Mrs Allan's dimples were as sweet and sudden as ever, her eyes as clear and bright and true; and what her face lacked of girlish beauty was now th
"I suppose you are looking forward to your vacation, Anne?" she said, as they left the graveyard
Anne nodded
"YesI could roll the word as a sweetto be lovely For one thing, Mrs Morgan is co her up I feel one of ht"
"I hope you'll have a good time, Anne You've worked very hard this past year and you have succeeded"
"Oh, I don't know I've cos I haven't done what I an to teach last fall I haven't lived up to h "But then, Anne, you knohat Lowell says, 'Not failure but low aim is crime' We must have ideals and try to live up to them, even if we never quite succeed Life would be a sorry business without thereat
Hold fast to your ideals, Anne"
"I shall try But I have to let goa little "I had the most beautiful set of theories you ever knehen I started out as a schoolma'am, but every one of them has failed me at some pinch or another"
"Even the theory on corporal punishment," teased Mrs Allan
But Anne flushed