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"How in the world does it happen that there ever was a garden back here?" said Priscilla in aarden," said Diana "I've heard mother speak of it but I never saw it before, and I wouldn't have supposed that it could be in existence still You've heard the story, Anne?"

"No, but the naraveyard She is buried down there in the poplar corner You know the little brown stone with the opening gates carved on it and 'Sacred to the ed twenty-two' Jordan Gray is buried right beside her but there's no stone to him It's a wonder Marilla never told you about it, Anne To be sure, it happened thirty years ago and everybody has forgotten"

"Well, if there's a story wethe narcissi and Diana will tell it Why, girls, there are hundreds of thearden were carpeted with moonshine and sunshine co To think that I've lived within a mile of this place for six years and have never seen it before! Now, Diana"

"Long ago," began Diana, "this fared to old Mr David Gray He didn't live on ithe lived where Silas Sloane lives now He had one son, Jordan, and he went up to Boston one winter to work and while he was there he fell in love with a girl na in a store and she hated it She'd been brought up in the country and she alanted to get back When Jordan asked her to marry him she said she would if he'd take her away to so but fields and trees So he brought her to Avonlea Mrs Lynde said he was taking a fearful risk ina Yankee, and it's certain that Hester was very delicate and a very poor housekeeper; but mother says she was very pretty and sweet and Jordan just worshipped the ground she walked on Well, Mr Gray gave Jordan this farm and he built a little house back here and Jordan and Hester lived in it for four years She never went out much and hardly anybody went to see her except arden and she was crazy about it and spent most of her time in it She wasn't much of a housekeeper but she had a knack with flowers And then she got sick Mother says she thinks she was in consumption before she ever careeaker and weaker all the time Jordan wouldn't have anybody to wait on her He did it all hientle as a woman Every day he'd wrap her in a shawl and carry her out to the garden and she'd lie there on a bench quite happy They say she used toand pray with her that she arden when the time came And her prayer was answered One day Jordan carried her out to the bench and then he picked all the roses that were out and heaped them over her; and she just smiled up at himand closed her eyesand that," concluded Diana softly, "was the end"