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Page 55 (1/2)

Next she had to fill her cup This was much ain, there must be no shock on either

side She started the floith her ainst the

animal with her head pressed to its side, took the teat in her hand

and succeeded She filled the cup with Prosper's breakfast She got

up, kissed the hind between the eyes, stroked its neck many times, and

went tiptoe back to her lord and master She found hi him till he should wake, with the cup

held against her heart to keep it warh the trees woke him at

last It would be about seven o'clock He stretched portentously, and

sat up to look about him; so he encountered her tender eyes before she

had been able to subdue their light

"Good- asleep?"

"A few hours only, lord"

"I a"

"Lord, I haveat her

"Drink first, my child," he said

"Lord, I have drunk already"

He drained the cup without further ado

"Good s, you see,

very much as they cain his prayers

So made him stop; he turned him to his wife

"Hast thou said thy prayers, Isoult?"

"No, lord," said she, reddening

"Coood custom"