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At Last MarionHarland 9520K 2023-09-01

Her rapid, irief that provoked a frightful fit of coughing When this was

subdued she eaker than a year-old infant, and lay between

stupor and drea a time, that Mrs Sutton became


There must be no repetition of this scene She most ward off similar

mishaps by whatever measures she could force or cajole her

conscience into adopting Rosa's state was more precarious than her

account had led her friend to believe, or than the nurse's

experienced eye had seen at theirThe main hope of her

recovery was in the warmer climate and assiduous attendance Above

all, she should not be allowed to exhaust herself by talking, or

hysterical paroxysms She had no more self-control than a child, and

she must be treated as such Mrs Sutton's jesuitical resolve was to

huned friendship for

Frederic Chilton

Fortified by this resolution, she heard, without any show of pride

or trepidation, the clatter of horses' hoofs in the yard; the sound

of voices below stairs, as Mr Chilton ushered the physician into

the parlor, and the light, careful tread hich he mounted to