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Levin had on this visit to town seen a great deal of his old
friend at the university, Professor Katavasov, whoe He liked in Katavasov the clearness and
siht that the
clearness of Katavasov's conception of life was due to the
poverty of his nature; Katavasov thought that the
disconnectedness of Levin's ideas was due to his lack of
intellectual discipline; but Levin enjoyed Katavasov's clearness,
and Katavasov enjoyed the abundance of Levin's untrained ideas,
and they liked to meet and to discuss
Levin had read Katavasov some parts of his book, and he had liked
them On the previous day Katavasov had met Levin at a public
lecture and told him that the celebrated Metrov, whose article
Levin had so much liked, was in Moscow, that he had been much
interested by what Katavasov had told hi to see hilad to make Levin's acquaintance
"You're positively a refor Levin in the little drawing rooht: Impossible that it can be he at the exact
tirins now? They're
a race of warriors"