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He laughed delightedly
"Oh, Ah We
don't want anything, however perfect it may be, all the time We want it
just 'in patches'--as you say You'll love the country with your whole
heart and soul when you come to see it if you know that you can leave
it But this is a big change in your affairs, and we ain for luncheon Take off your apron and cap
You won't have to fix your hair this time It's even more beautiful than
it was then Your frock, if it is cheap and plain, is artistic in cut
and color"
Amarilly felt cheered in spite of herself at his exuberantthe studio he casually remarked: "So this is alet
such another housekeeper as you I shall have to eat out again"
At sight of her grief he took hold of her aroose, do you suppose I a to let you be
exiled to a farm and lapse into the vernacular of the Boarder? Now, buck
up and trust to the judgment and affection of your twin brother"
A but hopeful, "bucked up," and they walked in silence