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"And Bobby got all the profit!" expostulated Milt indignantly
"Bobby paid in' theht, and fetchin' the water," she replied chidingly "We was
goin' to keep it a secret till he got enough to buy a pony"
"But I'd ruther buy a house," said Bobby
"I ain't got enough to come in no snidikit," sobbed Co "I ain't saved
"That's because you spend all you earn on candy," rebuked Milt
"I ain't nuther I bought s"
"How ently
"Two dollars and ninety-seven cents," she said, weeping profusely
"I think that's pretty good for a little girl," said Aht to chip in out of your cash on hand what isn't in
the bank and give her some so she could be in on it Here is fifty cents
froive you fifty, Co," said her us
The other boys folloith equal contributions, Bud generously
donating a five-dollar bill he had received that day for a solo at a
iven by Miss Lyte