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When Cory secured a place as dish-wiper at a new boarding-house near,
and Gus realized that he and Iry alone were dependent upon the others
for their keep, sha soul He had vainly tried to
secure steady e occasional
odd jobs He had a distinct leaning towards an agricultural life and
coveted the care of cows
"The grocer has sold his'n," he lugubriously lamented; "thar ain't no
one else as wants a caretaker for their critters around here"
After a long ruht his confessor, the corner grocer
"I'rafs," he
declared "I'd orter be goin' into business on oin' ter be allers workin' fer other folks"
"Well, you'll have to wait a while before you can work for yourself,"
counselled his confidant "You are young yet"
"This is a hurry-up age," was the sagacious assertion, "and ef you air
agoin' to git any-whar, you've got ter go by wire instead of by mail,
and you can't start too soon"