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Jason never sought the Golden Fleece withperseverance
than John displayed in the pursuit of the lost article which Colette
refused to describe His calls of inquiry didn'this departure after receiving an answer It
ers, ato the devious and manifold routes taken by her rheumatic
pains; a rehearsal of the late lamented Hallie's idiosyncracies; the
details of his last illness; his death; and his wearing of the surplice
at the obsequies
Throughout her harangue he preached patience unto himself and remembered
that she was an old woman, desolate in her "lone lornness," so he
counselled not, neither did he pray, but coentleness of voice and speech that won him a fond place in her memory
for all ti he reo fer to look in no pockit I didn't
suppose thes had pockits"
Then the scene shifted to Derry Phillips's studio, and this visit was
fraught with more difficulties, for there was the case of Amarilly which
must be approached delicately and with subtlety
After stating his errand concisely and receiving assurance that the
pocket had not been examined, but that the ered