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"'July 15 to July 19 The Beehive 3 dollers and 1/2 Pade' That's a

bargain store down in our parts I went in fer to git Bud a cap and I

hearn the clerk askin' the boss about fixin' up a winder shoax

figgers fer a weddin' I step up to him and ask him if he kep surpluses,

and he sez as he didn't I told him I could rent hiht fer to hev it an Episcopal show, but he

sed he'd do it fer an ad fer his white goods He wouldn't stand fer no

dollar a day He beat me down to three-fifty, but he throwed in a cap

fer Bud

"Next coh,

cause it didn't bring nuthin' but a pan of doughnuts Her son Hallie

died, and he didn't hev no nice clo'es ter be laid out in, and she was

agoin' to hev quite a funyral, so jest afore folks come, she slipped the

surplus on ter him over his old clo'es, and then when 'twas over, she

took it offen hihbor we didn't go fer to ask her nuthin', but she give us the nut

cakes They give her dyspepsy, anyhow"

The id in his endeavor to

maintain a serious expression He had taken out a notebook at the