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"You'd orter," she replied with a sigh

"I kin run a laundry," he declared

"That would be a fine business"

Happy in the hope of this new horoscope, Bud resumed his seat in the

amphitheatre, and in a voice of clarion clearness ecstatically rendered

one of the hymns he had learned at St Mark's Ever since he had beco with echoes of the

Jubilate and Venite instead of the popular old-tier was turned to the tune of a Te Deum, the clothes were rubbed to

the rhythm of a Benedictus, and the floor one Thursdays, cloistered by snohite surplices,

with the little chorister enthroned in the midst, Clothes-line Park had

seemed a veritable White Chapel

Bud was snatched from his carols by the arrival of Amarilly, as far

too practical to hearken to hyot the ," she announced in a tone

of satisfaction, "and that jest ive you carfare one way, Bud, and you o I've walked most five miles

sence dinner"

Bud was scoured and brushed, the pocket of his blouse tagged with a

five-dollar bill carefully secured by a safety pin, and he started on