Page 78 (1/2)
"Good Lord!" said Carew, looking at the two little figures, who had
now a couple of ducks each, a puftalooner or two, and a big pannikin
of tea, and were sitting on the edge of the verandah eating away
with great enjoy with the cattle
"Minding them lest the wild ones should clear out They dropped
their matches somehow; that's what fetched 'eht We'll make that their
boodore, as they say in France"
The dark was now falling; the sunlight had left long, faint, crimson
streaks in the sky The air was perceptibly cooler, and flights
of waterfowl hurried overhead, hted a slush-la a small bundle of papers, and threw theet our business over, Keogh," he said "I've
got the paper here for you to sign,over your interest in
the block and the cattle, and all that"
He pored over the docu as he read it "Your name'll
have to be filled in, and there's a blank for the name of the person