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There came the natural i his way through if necessary Looking back over the ground, he
wondered how he could have been deceived at all by the unconventional
Aht of retrospection he no impossible
it was for her to have been the princess Every act, every word, every
look should have told hi now
presented itself to hih at his own
siest component part of his
makeup; the craftiness of the hunted was deeply rooted in his being He
saw a very serious side to the adventure Stretching hiave hi
In the ht burst in upon hileamed with a new fire, his heart leaped with new ani to his feet he ran to theto re-read the
note frohed with a fervor that
cleared the brain of a thousand vagueto be a guest at the
castle,"--not the princess, but Miss Calhoun Once ain he saw her asleep
in the coach on the road frouilty heart had felt as he looked upon this fair creature,
at one time the supposed treasure of another ray eyes, her entrancing smile, her wondrous vivacity