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Very strange, it ure floated to and fro over the carpet, with the silvery veil

covering her from head to foot; so impalpable, so ethereal, so without

substance, as the texture see her every outline in an

iht Surely, she did not walk! She

floated, and flitted, and hovered about the room; no sound of a

footstep, no perceptible

breeze wafted her before it, at its oild and gentle pleasure But,

by and by, a purpose began to be discernible, throughout the see Could it be

that a subtile presenti man's

presence? And if so, did the Veiled Lady seek or did she shun him?

The doubt in Theodore's mind was speedily resolved; for, after a s, she advanced more decidedly, and

stood motionless before the screen

"Thou art here!" said a soft, low voice "Come forth, Theodore!" Thus

sue, had no choice He

eed from his concealment, and presented himself before the Veiled

Lady, with the wine-flush, it one out of his cheeks

"What wouldst thou with entle

composure that was in her former utterance

"Mysterious creature," replied Theodore, "I would knoho and what you
